Kogod Finance Group

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Consumer Goods Sector Report

In the wake of the tumltuous market lately our consumer goods stocks have been holding up relatively well. Toyota stocks are currently rising due to weakness in the Yen, otherwise there is not much news in regards to that stock. Cherokee renewed a licensing deal with Target to extend to 2009 and also signed an international liscencing agreement for Sideout brand. There isn't much news with Tiffany's except there is an article saying diamond prices could rise.

Regarding stocks we don't hold but have been looking into, Hansen Natural Corp. is "deficient anad delinquent" as they have not yet filed their 10K and have recieved several "NASDAQ Notices"---not good, if they don't soon become compliant they will be delisted.

Also making headlines, P&G just recieved $19.25 million (an amount their normal operations earns in 2.5 hours) in a civil suit filed against Amway distributors for allegedly circulating rumors that P&C was connected to satanism. The rumors date back to the early 1980's and center around P&G's logo, "a bearded, crecent man-in-the-moon looking over 13 stars." Other rumors are that P&G gives a portion of their profits to satanic cults. Well, rumors have been dispelled, or at least abated for the time being. It's common for big corporations to be casted in the role of villans, but P&G satanic? That's just rediculous. I still think they are a good buy and hold when we have the money.


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