Tech Sector Dec 4th
Nov 27th - 21.83
Dec 1st - 20.69
- AMD has 47% of the graphic chip market vs NVIDIA's 53% share. Analysts don't think that the lawsuit is going to have any effect at all, mainly due to the fact that the market has been dominated by two companies for over 5 years.
Nov 27th - 29.48
Dec 1st - 29.12
- Vista was released last Thursday to businesses. Some initial geeky reviews have stated that the product might be too unwieldy for the typical consumer. There are seven options on the new shutdown menu, analysts think this is an example of how unstreamlined the program is.
Nov 27th - 27.27
Dec 1st - 27.01
- Nothing major -- fairly interesting news item about Dell's power saving methods. They are committed to making computers with better airflow and more energy efficient chips and components.